See that little crucifix on his gorgeous sixpack? That's why he's the religious hunk. Maybe he just thought it was cute ;o)
Boyfriend of the Minute for April 30th, 2008: The religious Hunk.
Boyfriend of the Minute for April 29th, 2008: Russian Rebel.
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Click Here To Experience All The Beauty >>4/28/2008
Boyfriend of the Minute for April 28th, 2008: Classic Beauty.
Flawless, cute, great smile.. = Classic Beauty ;o)
Boyfriend of the Minute for April 27th, 2008: Mario at BerlinCasting.
Time for some German meat: Mario, the innocent looking cutie, age 18- 20 from Berlin. In his case I feel the need to protect him. Sweet.
Pictures courtesy of BerlinCasting, Berlin Male and RealBoys4U.
Boyfriend of the Minute for April 26th, 2008: Trey at
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Click Here To Experience All The Beauty >>Most gay couples don't even stay together for one month...
You, OneOfTwo, Preciosa, Miz K, Aani and 1 Anon, have voted them the 5 hottest guys out of 28 Boyfriends of the Minute:
Namless Cutie #1, Steve D. by Adam Bouska, Caleb, Random Frat Guy and Jeremy Walker.
And now it's time to vote which one of them will be the one who'll be able to take care of me for the duration of one whole month. Just drop a comment and tell me which one of them should win, rate them, feel free to do whatever you want, I'm grateful for every little bit I get :o)
Choose wisely!
Take care, beauties ;o)
Whether you get Boyfriend of the Week or not is now out of my hands...
Be sure to vote for my Boyfriend of the Month for April 2008!
But also the Boyfriend of the Week Contest has to continue, so this week it's between "Skater Boy Philipp", Blonde Hottie, Mr. Lumberjack, Kiefer Sullivan, Blaise Thomas, The Masculine Type and Cody Clarke.
I'd hit them all... :o) Tell me who you think would be best for me!
Thank you and have a beautiful weekend.
It's a Boy Tie!
That's the problem with two people voting. And as I don't see my mother (who had to decide last time) until Tuesday, it had to be a tie.
Congratulations, Random Frat Guy and Jeremy Walker, you're now up for the vote for my very first Boyfriend of the Month ;o)
Thanks OneOfTwo and Miz K for voting!!
Cheers :o)
Boyfriend of the Minute for April 25th, 2008: Erik at Corbin Fisher.
Don't know what to say since I'm drunk.. but this time for a very good reason.. A happy reason :o)
Pictures courtesy of Corbin Fisher.