
Most gay couples don't even stay together for one month...

You, OneOfTwo, Preciosa, Miz K, Aani and 1 Anon, have voted them the 5 hottest guys out of 28 Boyfriends of the Minute:

Namless Cutie #1, Steve D. by Adam Bouska, Caleb, Random Frat Guy and Jeremy Walker.

And now it's time to vote which one of them will be the one who'll be able to take care of me for the duration of one whole month. Just drop a comment and tell me which one of them should win, rate them, feel free to do whatever you want, I'm grateful for every little bit I get :o)

Choose wisely!

Take care, beauties ;o)


admin said...


i would like to nominate Channing Tatum, if he hasn't been already lol

or just enjoy this pic w/ me

Anonymous said...

Steve D. is my choice for you and if he appears to be a-only-dog-lover, Caleb should be number two on your list! Good lick, *sorry* suck, - damn it - GOOD LUCK! :D

Your Mother said...

Thanks so much for voting :) I need to find Steve D.'s MySpace to find out more about his private life ;)

Miz K, you found that pic on DListed? Channing looks really hot in this one... I was thinking about creating another category for male models, I got so many pics of hot male models, it's not even funny... But for now I'm heading off to the riverside to enjoy this SUNNY SUNDAY! :o)

Take care! ;o)

admin said...

yes i love micheal k, he makes me choke while i'm eating cuz he's so funny.